Massale pinot Noir. My current pinot of choice. |
I make an attempt to veer away from alcoholism every week by not drinking Sunday nights through to Tuesday night inclusive. The absence of alcohol for 3 nights is enough, I tell myself, to ensure that even with a binge on the following Friday or Saturday, I am retaining some level of sound health and wellbeing.
Am I alone in really hanging out for that nightly glass of wine? It’s really important to me most nights. It’s definitely something I look forward to and certainly something of a prize or reward. A reward for what? Well just for getting through the day really. I can’t claim to have a terribly difficult existence so I blame the hectic 21st century world I live in for making me such a slave to the pinot.
And now that the weather is shifting it’s most certainly a noir over a gris which suits me just fine. The other evening opportunity I quite relish is the combination of a spot of chocolate with said pinot. Absolutely zilch in nutritional value but jam packed with rich soul-lifting properties. Boo to all those people who talk about sugar highs and blood sugar levels raging out of control, I really do feel great after chocolate and red wine, providing of course I stop at a bit of chocolate and a glass (maybe 2 depending on the stress levels of the day).
Anyway, so this week I couldn’t actually face my Sunday night without the customary mid week glass so I had one didn’t I. And it was bloody good. And now of course it’s Monday and I’ve already contemplated one tonight.
So here it is folks, I’m going to call it early. A week with nightly wine. And no, I’m not going to feel guilty. Not just yet anyway, ask me on Saturday but for now, I’m guilt free and very excited about the first sip.