Showing posts with label Models. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Models. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2012

Golden Globes

Gosh I have to say kids, I'm presently feeling very disappointed with the calibre of sartorial fabuloussness on show at this year's Golden Globes. There really wasn't much to look at, dream about, or covet. The dresses this year were so plain, so dull, so scripted. I managed to pull our a few that I liked but really, these women have no excuse. They're living in the world that day to day worker bees like me dream about. Stylists, trainers, hair and make-up experts, personal chefs and constant motivation to be slim and fabulous and they can't even get it right? Free dresses thrown at them, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jewels on offer to loan and a relatively "sit down" event where they're chauffeured to and from and get to sit down the whole way through - they can be wearing the highest of high heels without worry about wandering the streets for a cab and getting appalling blisters... I mean, seriously, it's the GOLDEN opportunity to go nuts, wear something AMAZING and look frickin hot!

Let me know what you think.

The Best
Elle Macpherson
Clare Danes
Emma Stone 
Salma Hayak
Rooney Mara
Maria Manounos

The Worst (gosh where to start? I'm not sure that I can limit this less to under ten but I'll try).

Charlize Theron's mullet dress
Sarah Michelle Gellar (being worn by that blue and white meringue)
Nicole Kidman (too pale for you Nic!)
Angelina Jolie (Madame Tussauds?)
Jessica Biel 
Amanda Peet 


Biggest spunk? GC. Never disappoints.

Best Couple on Carpet? Ewen and Eve.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Georgia May

So my latest model crush is on the terribly gorgeous, Georgia May Jagger. I mean it stands to reason that she turn out to be frickin' divine given she's the daughter of Mick and Jerry, but geez talk about getting the best of both. She's got Mick's lips and breezy Brit style and Jerry's height, hair and smile. It's enough to make you sick.

Longstanding Surryferners will know that I'm a major fan of the gappy-toothed smile (Susie Sue, Tonze I'm talking to you) and GMJ exhibits one of the best in the business.

She doesn't take herslelf too seriously, another paternal genetic throwback methinks and appears to have a healthy sense of fun. Surely a requirement in the crazy world of high fashion and celebmania.

Good luck to GMJ I say!