Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Day of French Indulgence

What do you do when you have a day off work and your son is in daycare? You take yourself to see a French film of course. And then you follow it up with an indulgent lunch at a favourite restaurant.

So off I went to the cinema to take in Haute Cuisine. The film tells the story of Daniele Delpeuch a cook who worked for French PM Mitterand at the Palais del Elysee. I mean how am I not going to love a film set in Paris about magnificent food?

So after sitting in a cinema for a couple of hours watching the protagonist prepare dish after dish brimming with full flavoured, hearty and generous French food it's safe to say I was feeling a little peckish.

So, given this was a (self declared) day of indulgence I took myself to lunch. At one of my favourite restaurants: Bistro Moncur.  BM serves classic simple French food including my all time favourite dish, the cheese souffle. It's a seriously great meal. So incredibly tasty and delicious. And to cut through all that cheesy richness I ordered a crisp green salad.

And in order to provide myself with some entertainment whilst dining alone on my souffle and salad, I read a magazine and savored a travel story on one of my favourite places, Naples. No not Paris, should have been about Paris but Naples provided just as much, if not more inspiration.

I highly recommend booking yourself in for a day of sheer indulgence. Completely reinvigorating.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Golden Globes

Gosh I have to say kids, I'm presently feeling very disappointed with the calibre of sartorial fabuloussness on show at this year's Golden Globes. There really wasn't much to look at, dream about, or covet. The dresses this year were so plain, so dull, so scripted. I managed to pull our a few that I liked but really, these women have no excuse. They're living in the world that day to day worker bees like me dream about. Stylists, trainers, hair and make-up experts, personal chefs and constant motivation to be slim and fabulous and they can't even get it right? Free dresses thrown at them, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jewels on offer to loan and a relatively "sit down" event where they're chauffeured to and from and get to sit down the whole way through - they can be wearing the highest of high heels without worry about wandering the streets for a cab and getting appalling blisters... I mean, seriously, it's the GOLDEN opportunity to go nuts, wear something AMAZING and look frickin hot!

Let me know what you think.

The Best
Elle Macpherson
Clare Danes
Emma Stone 
Salma Hayak
Rooney Mara
Maria Manounos

The Worst (gosh where to start? I'm not sure that I can limit this less to under ten but I'll try).

Charlize Theron's mullet dress
Sarah Michelle Gellar (being worn by that blue and white meringue)
Nicole Kidman (too pale for you Nic!)
Angelina Jolie (Madame Tussauds?)
Jessica Biel 
Amanda Peet 


Biggest spunk? GC. Never disappoints.

Best Couple on Carpet? Ewen and Eve.

Sunday, June 06, 2010


Just back from Sex and the City 2 and the verdict? I liked it. Let's face it, like most hard core SATC fans I'm easily pleased. Just put the girls up on the big screen in an array of fabulous outfits, in glamorous locations and there I'll be, grinning from ear to ear for 2.5 hours. OK so there were a few scenes where I felt myself cringing (Samantha's declarations of, "YES! I have sex!" to a throng of unimpressed Muslim men in in a souk), but I didn't cringe because I felt it inappropriate. I cringed because I was embarrassed for her. Samantha is glamorous, confident and in control. Always. So to see her fall apart at the seams, in a public place is a little is uncomfortable for me.

Many serious film critics have panned the film for being culturally insensitive and inappropriate but I disagree. The girls asked questions that I too would ask. How do Muslim women eat french fries while wearing the traditional veil? No, I wouldn't humiliate a woman by asking her that but I can see myself pondering this while enjoying a drink with my friends. And no, personally I'm not comfortable with the idea that women must cover themselves in public and not speak, walk alongside a husband or have a job. No, those ideas don't wash with me but I understand that it happens and I show tolerance and respect the decision of women who choose live in this way.

As for laugh-out-loud moments, I can't say there were that many for me, certainly less than the first film although i do recall letting out a big belly laugh at the sight of Miranda circa 1986 sporting that horrific mushroom haircut. But despite not laughing as much as many of the other girls in the screening I attended, I still very much enjoyed it. I guess it was more of a savoring thing. I just enjoyed seeing the girls in all their glory again. They don't have to do much to impress me.

And then there's the eye candy. When it comes to SATC, largely for me, it's about the clothes. There are many items of clothing in this movie I'd very much like to own but sadly cannot afford. So, to the fashion... my wish list from the film includes:

Carrie's Galliano for Dior newspaper dress for looking so great on her all those years later, Samantha's gold harem pants - a knockout and beautifully matched with that sawdust belted jacket, Miranda's Etro print pant suit (arriving at the hotel in Abu Dhabi) and the fabulous shrug worn with it, not to be confused with her camel riding outfit with geometric patterns up top, didn't like that at all. Then there was Carrie's vintage j'adore Dior t-shirt worn with silver short sleeved bolero and violet ball gown skirt (shopping in the souk) which was genius.  As was her stunning midnight blue evening gown with split to thigh worn to drinks with Aiden. There was a also a fabulous white cropped jacket with crystal detail on the arms (Carrie), a dreamy print lightweight kaftan (worn as nightgown by Carrie) and that fabulous burnt orange pleat maxi dress (Carrie again).

Interestingly, we didn't see much of Steve, Smith and Harry which was a bit of a shame. I like seeing the girls in their relationships but I guess that was SATC1 - this film was all about the ladies. Oh, and was it just me or did Big look particularly hot? I've never really fancied Big. Charming, charismatic, chic - yes, yes and yes. But devilishly handsome? Comme ci comme ca. But in SATC2? Yep, I get it. I see it. And that fabulous vintage Rolex did little to dampen his allure.

The close-ups revealed that a little botox and restalyn has been indulged in by the ladies but who can blame them. Competing with twenty-somethings in Hollywood and trying to stay out of the trashy mag "Stars Without Make-Up" editions must be a daunting task.

Since the TV series finished we fans have been starved of Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda and this film just gives us another taste of the fun, friendship and fashion we've missed. Like sherbet is to a healthy diet, SATC2 is pretty bad as a film but wonderfully sweet and enjoyable nonetheless.