Well, well, well. Who'd have thunk it? It looks as though we'll get a new PM today and she's a lady. What will that mean for us? Hopefully the media and people of Australia will judge her as a politician and a leader not by her gender, choice of clothing, voice, un-married and childless status and hair colour.
Hesitant to focus too much on gender I have to admit I am hopeful that she represents the sisterhood well and remains true to her own policies and ideas. While she's at it, an overhaul of Rudd's pretty weak paid maternity leave offer and another push for an ETS would make me happy.
Gillard is known as a hardworking, forensic politician and one who can bring people together, a handy political tool to have in ones kit. Interestingly, she once commented that she didn't think she could have risen to this level in politics has if she'd had children which is a refreshingly honest statement and yet a stark reminder of why we need to implement proper paid maternity leave legislation.
We all know federal politics is a very tough gig, I certainly don't know many people tough enough to survive let alone thrive in that environment so I wish her good luck.