Can someone explain to me the big deal with allowing same sex marriage? We live in a so called civilised society where we teach our children acceptance, love and respect for others. We know that there are heterosexual people, homosexual people, bi sexual people, transexual people and probably more... but we can't accept that two people who love each other may also want to formalise that through marriage? What's the big deal? Surely adults are entitled to make their own decisions on whether they marry.
Why does government feel they need to step in and regulate on this issue? Apparently the new Icelandic PM Johnanna Sigurdaedottir, has just legalised gay marriage there. It's legal in 7 US states, Canada, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Mexico City, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. But here in democratic and free Australia, it's not going to happen... yet.
Is it just because that's the way it's always been done? Is Gillard too scared to make such a bold change so early in her new gig? I accept and respect her choice to make public that she doesn't believe in god, but I'm disappointed that she will not revisit Australia's gay marriage laws. Why doesn't she call for public opinion and debate at least?
What do you guys think?