Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Zoe Foster - way cool beauty writer

So my latest obsession in the beauty world is Zoe Foster. She's not new to the scene, in fact I've been reading her stuff for years in various mags but her online beauty webisodes are really, really great. She shows us how to apply make-up in a fun, easy, non-profesh way - not like when you go to DJs for one of those special make-up consultations where they make you feel bad if you admit that you don't use primer, base and highlighters. And after just a few views, she becomes a kind of cyber friend. A really nice one who talks to you like your real friends and seems a lot of fun.

Her recent engagement to the equally lovely Hamish Blake just makes the whole story even more deelightful.

So if you want to get the latest beauty tips on great products, how to use them and special sneaky tricks, check her out online via youtube or Mamamia where she contributes regular beauty webisodes.