It's not Easter in Sydney in my opinion, without a visit to the Royal Easter Show. So today despite the driving rain, we packed up the boys and headed west for our annual dose of animals, wacky rides, devonshire tea and show bags.
Orsie feeding a chicken.
First up it was a ride on the tea-cups which I must say, made me far more nauseous than any of the scarier rides I've been on. Nausea not improved by Trent's calls from the side of vom-inducing "warm, fish milkshakes," seeing my growing queasiness... Orsie wasn't mad on it either. |
Riley, Orsie and I on the Teacup ride. Blahhh. |
Then it was a wander through the cattle displays, the baby animal farmyard (Orsie was much keener on this) and a good look at various goats, piggies and bulls. Just the smell of all the horse manure make me want to whack on the Drizabone and Akubra with genuine feelings of wanting to be a country gal, even if just for an hour or so.
Orsie patting a sheep. |
and a goat... |
Onto the CWA cafe for wonderful home-made scones with jam and cream. Delicious. So good. And just so ideal on a wet day at the show.
Orsie eating some sweet corn for lunch. |
Then it was a quick look at the cake decoration and craft displays, a wild ride for Trudes and I on the Taipan roller coaster (so much fun, see below) and then my one and only sideshow alley game for the day. It was one where you stand behind the line and throw darts at balloons in order to reveal a prize behind once they pop. Never was great at darts...
Trudes and I on the mighty Taipan! |
Finally, a blitz of the show bag pavilion yielded strong results with Orsie on debut with the Diego and Sesame St bags, Riley taking home the Man United, Lego and Cadbury bags and Trent and I opting for a bit of Cadbury and Freddo action - old school but still good.
Good fun, worth doing but kind of also glad it's done for another year.
Soph, I have scone and showbag envy! Love the pics, especially you and Trudes as screaming daredevils xxx